(28, 29, and 30th December 1932)
Our generation has been listening about “Balochistan and All India Baloch Conference” of Jacobabad since our childhood. All of our lives we have been curious about its resolutions, elected cabinet and the next conference in Hyderabad.
In recent years we were fortunate enough to be able to read all about this conference both in Urdu and English in various books and magazines. We got the photocopies of the original document which was circulating amongst the academia. Then, the verified copy was published in a research paper of renowned scholar, Dr Inam ul Haq Kausar (Yousuf Aziz Magsi, Balochistan Review – Vol XII-XIII, 2004, UoB Quetta Pp. 133-140). We compared this document with its Urdu version, and found it correct. Some minor spelling mistakes in the names of the individuals are corrected.
The resolutions Passed on 28th December 1932
  1. The name of this conference will be the Balochistan and all India Baloch Conference. And the following will be its purposes:
To make the economical, educational and political condition of the inhabitable of Balochistan and other Baloch of entire India better and to produce in them cooperation, union and feeling of brotherhood; and they should do their utmost to achieve the above mentioned purposes.
  1. This conference congratulates the Government for solving the complex problem of the separation of `Sindh from Bombay in an extremely noble way. Also, this conference looks with gratitude at the activities of all parties concerned in bringing about this separation. And the president is authorized to send a copy of this resolution to the British Government and the members of the Round Table Conference through the Government of India.
  2. This conference looks, with hatred and contempt at the evil practice of marrying by force a criminal’s daughter or sister in exchange of the punishment of his crime. And also in cases of murder where the criminal’s women folk namely his sister or daughter are similarly treated. Hence this conference appeals to the Government of Balochistan and Balochistan State ` that in the sacred name of humanity this custom may be abolished.
  3. This conference offers its sincere thanks to Honourable Mr. Cater, I.C.S., C.I.E., the Agent to the Governor General who, feeling the utter backwardness of the people of Balochistan, resolved on their uplift and thus furnished an unparalleled proof of insight, statesmanship and broadmindedness.
This conference also hopes that he shall not be biased by the selfish propaganda of the outsiders and throw obstacles in the way of local workers but on the contrary he will encourage and patronize them as heretofore.
  1. This conference urges the Government to prohibit and limit the sale of alcoholic drinks.
  2. This conference appeals to the Government that for help and guidance of officers and members of the Jirga they should publish the Customary Law in a book form and requests for the appointment of committees to collect and edit the same in the light of Muhammadan Law. And the members of these committees be such as to include people who are well versed in Shariat.
  3. This conference appeals to the Government to close down brothels in Balochistan as such things are contrary to the traditions and culture of the land.
  4. This conference abhors the custom of Lub and Vulwar and hopes from its Baloch, Pathan and Braoae brothers to desist from it and abolish it. And expects from the government to help in its abolition.
  5. This Conference appeals to the various Governments of Balochistan to make Female education popular in their territories and expects from the nation to cooperate in this wholeheartedly.
  6. This conference appeals to the Government to make inheritance of women and widows by the heir at the death of a man illegal. And women should be given the same rights as conferred on her by Shariah with regards to marriage and divorce and inheritance of property.
The resolutions Passed on 29th December
  1. This conference apart from the merits of the case appeals to His Excellency the Governor in Council of Bambay in view of the large number of followers of the Pir Pagharo and his youthfulness and inexperience, to treat Syed Sabghatullah’s case as mercifully as possible.
  2. This conference thanks Moulana Akhtar Ali Khan, ‘ Moulana Shamsuddin Hassan, Qazi Ahsan Ahmed and Moulana Ghulam Farced for their sacrifice of their most valuable time by coming over to Jacobabad in acceptance of our invitation.
  3. This conference thanks His Highness Sir Mir Ali Nawaz Khan, Baloch ruler of Kherpur State, for His Highness’s acceptance of the presidentship of this conference and also for the help he has given to us and prays for his health.
  4. This conference is thankful and grateful to the following Journals: Zamindar, Inqilab, Alwahed, Mussalman, Al-Balouch, Itehad-i-Balochistan, Al-Haneef, Nur-i-Islam, Sindh Zamindar Sukker and also the following gentlemen: Nawabzada Mir Muhammad Yusuf Ali Khan Magsi Baloch, Ghulam Qadir Vakil, Ghulam Sarwar Khan, General Secretary of this conference, Sardar Ghulam Rasool Qureshi, Moulana Abdul Karim Sahib Chishti and Molwi Muhammad Hussain Khawar for the services that they have done and Propaganada work that they have carried on to make this conference a success.
  5. This conference is grateful to Anjuman-i-Anees-i-Baluchistan, Makran, Karachi and Anjuman-i-ltehad-i-Balocuhistan for the services they have rendered to the cause of Baloches for their benefit in the court of His Highness, the Khan of Kalaat .
  6. This conference requests the Government of Sindh that for the cultivators of Makran who on account of famine or in search of living have migrated or migrate to Sindh or Karachi, may be given facilities in getting landing Barrage (area), and thus furnish a proof of welfare of its subjects.
  7. Whereas the civil and criminal cases lie pending under consideration for a very long time in the courts and the real object in view perishes, this conference requests the Government of Balochistan and specially the States, to accelerate the decision of such cases.
  8. Whereas Balochees inhabit Sindh in a very large number and are educationally more backward than any other tribe in Sindh, this conference requests the Government of Sindh to provide special facilities for their educational uplift and provide special scholarships for them in schools and colleges.
  9. Whereas  the   Balouchees   betroth their   daughters   before   their   birth,   this conference urges the Government of Balochistan and Sindh to stop this evil practice.
  10. This conference congratulates His Highness the Khan of Kalaat on account of the passage of his first year’s reign peacefully specially when the troubles of the State which have seen great destructive forces in the past half a century, but are now reduced to a large extent. And also this conference expects from His Highness the complete annihilation of the rest of the troubles that still persist and will also kindly pay special attention to the progress and advance of education.
  11. This conference request the Kalaat Government that the tangle of Makran Octroi poses the complexity of the procedure, which has also been admitted in the Royal Durbar, may kindly be cleared.
  12. This conference requests the commissioner of Sindh and the Education Commissioner to award to our destitute Makrani Boys our special Muhammaden Scholarships proportionally adequate to the Makrani population
  13. This conference emphatically requests the Government of Balouchistan to remit 50 percent of the land revenue for one year keeping in view the present economical distress; this conference also requests the Government to give more loans to the Zamindars.
  14. This conference requests the Government of India to enforce an Act in Sindh, similar to the one existing in the Punjab and Balochistan prohibiting the sale of land to non-Agriculturists.
  15. This conference requests the Government of India that Frontier Regulations which are in force in Upper Sindh should be abolished since at the present time they are unnecessary, harmful and a hindrance in the way of progress. And the inhabitants of the Province instead of deriving benefit are suffering a loss from them. Also this conference emphatically appeals to the members of the Assembly, especially Haji Abdullah Haroon that he should try to get this regulation abolished.
  16. This conference requests emphatically to the Government of Balouchistan that in future the admission to Normal, Patwar, and S.A. V. training classes should be absolutely closed to the outsiders.
  17. A selection board may be established in Balochistan with revenue commissioner as its president. This Board should consist of 8 members -5 members of which should be bona fide natives, and 3 outsiders, one of which should be a Mussalman, one a Hindu and one a representative of other communities. Out of the bona fide natives three should be nominated by the Government, one by the Anjuman-e-Itehad-e-Balochistan and the other one by the local Muslim Association. And every vacancy should be properly advertised.
  18. This conference appeals to the Goverenmnt of India to open recruitment once again to the Balochees and the inhabitants of Balochistan in the Baloch regiments.
  19. This conference appeals to the Government of India that the recruitment for Police and Malicia (militia) should be only made out of the bona fide natives.
  20. This conference puts it on record that the number of hospitals should be increased in the jurisdiction of the Balochistan Government and other villages.
  21. This conference appeals to Government that a protective duty should be imposed on imported fresh and preserved fruit, especially grapes and pomegranates since this import is a great source of loss to the Baloch Fruit Trade.
  22. This conference acknowledges and thanks the services of the following which have been rendered to the Balochistan and All India Baloch Conference and the Baloch nation. The Baloch nation is obliged to” Moulana Zafar Ali Khan for is supreme efforts to make this conference a success and the help he has been giving constantly. And according to this conference it is the duty of every true thinking Baloch youth to purchase shares of Zamindar Limited Co, and in this way increase the strength of this Qomi Journal.
  23. This conference requests the Government that mills of Tanning, Canning, and Wool industry should be opened here which may also serve the purpose of training schools.
  24. This session of the Balochistan and All` India Baloch Conference resolves extension of reforms with provincial Autonomy to Balochistan and the annexation of Dera Ghazi khan, Upper Sindh Frontier Districts in which Balochees predominate (to Balochistan).
  25. This conference requests the Government that in the various Governments of Balochistan ‘the bona fide natives should be given service in` proportion to their population. And appointment of out-siders whether paid or unpaid should be completely stopped and in high posts of responsibility preference should be given to the natives and they should be also taken directly into service, just as it is done in other provinces of India.
  26. This session of the conference after much thought comes to the conclusion that in order to put in practice the resolutions passed by this conference, and for the spread of Islamic principles, encouragement of education, industry, trade and reformations of customs and prevention of bloodshed and feuds, a hundred workers should be selected from all sections of Balochistan and recruited for purely religious and social services, having nothing to do with politics, and further the workers recruited should not be drunk ads, liars or quarrelsome, but on the other hand, should be of peaceful temperament obliging nature and useful for social and religious work. And this session appeals to the Government to help us in our noble enterprise by giving concessions to the workers and enable them to become loyal Baloches and peace loving subjects.
  27. This conference .appeals to the Government to open Degree College in Balochistan from the next year.
  28. This conference requests the Governmnt of India that inside the boundary of Balochistan, railways, posts, telegraphs, and other departments of the Government, which are directly connected with the Government of India should be either handed over to the Government Balochistan or our rights should be safeguarded there.
  29. This conference requests the Government that although registration of land to non-natives and non-agricultrists has been legally stopped, yet in reality it is not being acted upon. Hence this conference appeals to the Government to put it in practice. And also the Minors act which is being similarly treated.
  30. This conference requests the Government’ of Balochistan and The States Federation Balochistan, that for the spread of education among the Balochees the following proposals should be put in practice as soon as possible.
  1. The Education Departments should be given in change of natives. The present outsider Superendents. (Superintendents) of Education should be replaced by natives on retirement. But such Inspectors should be immediately replaced by the natives.
  1. Primary Education should be made compulsory, and for this purpose sufficient number of Primary schools should be opened in the villages, and the school opening condition should be reduced from 20 to 10 students.
  1. A middle school should be opened in every tehsil of British Balochistan and every state of States Federation of Balochistan. And the sardars should be forced to open such s chools in their respective and award s cholarships to poor students.
  1. A boarding house should be attached to every school.
  1. And in every section of Balochistan a technical school should be opened where native and foreign handicraft should be taught to enable the native youths to pick up a living.
  1. The present number of school and college scholarships be increased and reserved for the natives of Balochistan.
  1. School scholarships should be given to the sons of poor men and not to the sons of Sardars and others.
  1. Separate scholarships be awarded for civil and mechanical engineering, and medicine and be specially reserved for the natives of Balochistan.
  1. Balochistan should be made an examining u niversity for the m atriculation examination, to enable the natives to effect necessary changes in the Curriculum.
  1. This session decides that Balochistan and All India Baloch Conference should be made into a permanent party, which should annually meet at some proper and commonly selected palce. This session constitutes the Executive Board and Working Committee as follows:
Executive Board
From Karachi: Mir Mehrab Khan, Mir Yehya Khan, Molwi Muhammad Usman, Pir Bux Khan, Abdul Ghuffoor Khan and Abdul Rahim Khan Gabool.
From Jacobabad: Mir Ghulam Qadir, Vakil Khan Bhadur Sher Muhammad, M.LC., Mir Taj Muhammad Khan Domki , Mir Mohammad Amin Khossa, Mir Kaisar K han Domki.
From Dera Ghazi Khan: Nawab Jamal Khan, M.L.C, Sardar Khan, M.B.A., Sardar Muhammad Khan Sahib, Sardar Murad Bux Mazari, Sardar Ghualm Rasool Quraishi, Muhammad Azam Jan Mazari.
From Sukkur:     Sardar Kaisar Khan Buzdar.
From Multan  Divison: Abdul   Hamid
 Khan   Dusti   LL.B.,   Ghulam   Sarwar   Khan
Makhdumpure, Mushtq Ahmed Khan Gozamani.
 From the Punjab:            Fatah Sher Khan of Lahore.
From Larkana: Mir Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Mir Lutf Ali Khan Magsi , Nawab Muhammad Yusuf Ali Khan Magsi.
From Dadu:         Shamsuddin Khan Magsi, Molwi Abdul Rahim Khan Magsi.
From Hyderabad: Mir Hussain Bux Khan, Rais Qubool Muhammad Khan, Khan Muhamamd Zaman, Deputy Superintendent Police.
From Nawab Shah:         Muhamamd Hashim Khan.
From Mirpur Khas: Khan Bhadur Mir Aftab Dad Khan, Rasool Bux Khan Editor Rahnuma, Abdul Ghafar Khan Vakil.
From Chaghi:     Mir Murad Bux Khan.
From Bolan:        Master Muhamamd Hussain Khan Unqa.
From Loralai:       Mir Sohrab Khan.
From Sibi: Nawab Khan Mehrab Khan Bugti, Habib Khan Mussuri, Mir Mitha Khan Marri, Mir Dhoda Khan M arri, Atta Muhammad Khan Murghazari, Master Pir Bux Khan Tulvi.
From Kharan: Nawab Habibullah Khan, Mir Muhammad Shahbaz Khan.
From Bela:            Mir.Abdul Karim Khan.
From Quetta Pisheen: Khan Abdul Samad Khan Achukzai, Jam Noorullah Khan, Mir Muhammad Hashim Khan, Syed Rafeeq Shah, Dr. Muhammad Ramzan Khan, Akhundzada Abdul Ali Khan, Akundzada Abdul Rahim Khan, Arbab Muhammad Omar, Mullick Jan Muhammad Khan, Sardar Ghulam Muhammad Khan Tareen, Mr. Beldev Sehraie.
From Kalat: Nawab Asadu llah Khan, Sardar Behram Khan Lehri, Sadar Rsool Bux Khan, Sardar Rustum Khan, Mir Abdul Aziz Khan Kurd, Mir Karim Ali Khan Zurukzai, Mir Karim Bux Khan Resani, Nawab Mehrab Khan, Mir Karam Khan, Arbab Abdul Khaliq, Mir Hussain Bux Khan Magsi, Master Muhamamd Azam, Mulick Riaz Muhammad Khan.
Also this conference appoints a committee of 6 persons for making its constitution and propounding its purposes.
Khan Abdul Samad Khan …….  President
Azam Jan Mazari Jam Nur ……. General Secretary
Ullah Khan Abdul Aziz Khan Kurd ……. Worker
Ghulam Rasool Khan Qureshi ……. Worker
Ghulam Qadir ……. Worker
Khan.Vakil ……. Worker
The resolutions passed on 30th December
  1. This conference thanks Nawab Muhammad Mehrab Khan for his sympathetic altitude towards this conference and congratulates him for his financial, verbal and intellectual help given to this conference and also thanks all those gentlemen who helped this conference in any way.
  2. This conference thanks Anjuman-i-Mujahid-i-lslam for their lending ‘ Idgah grounds, without renumeration, and for holding meetings in different mosques at different times n favour of this conference and also for giving practical help.
  3. This conference thanks the following gentlemen: Khan Bhadur Sarwar Sher Muhamamd K han M.L.C, Khan Bhadur Dilmurad Khan, Khan Bhadur Chakar Khan, Mir Dost Muhammad Khan Khosa, Wadera Allah Bux and Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan Moghul for lendng their houses for the accommodation of the guests and delegates to this conference.
  4. This conference offers its tanks to Mr. Redly, D.C. Jacobabad, for his sympathic attitude .towards this conference.
  5. This conference considers the sad death of Khawaja Kamal Din as a national loss and prays to almighty God that may his soul lie in peace.
  6. This conference requests the Government of Balochistan to convert the Quetta Municipality into an elected body.
  7. whereas a large portion of the people of Balochistan depend for living on their flocks of sheep which are grazed in Balochistan only and whereas foreigners and specially Powindas are not restricted from entering Balochistan on their migration to and from and grazing their flocks and herds of cattle on the best grass tracks in Balochistan and then destroying those tracks ruining the local owners whereas the grazing tax collected from them is quite insignificant as compared to the loss suffered by the country, this conference appeals to the Government of Balochistan to stop their entrance, forever, to this country.
  8. This conference inquires from District Board Muzafarabd that keeping in view their educational backwardness, scholarships from the property of Late Sardar Kora Khan Jathoi Baloch have so far been awarded to Balouchees only, but now on account of some unknown reason they are given even to non-Balouchees. Who so? Although Balochess are still backward in their education.

جواب دیں

آپ کا ای میل ایڈریس شائع نہیں کیا جائے گا۔ ضروری خانوں کو * سے نشان زد کیا گیا ہے